Help the Commission Ensure Our Coast is Enjoyed by All Californians

Stefanie Sekich-Quinn
February 26, 2015
View Meeting Details

Back in January, ActCoastal wrote a blog about the December 2014 public workshop regarding low cost accommodations that took place at the Commission. As we mentioned in that blog, Commissioners have repeatedly noted:

  1. Their support for the Coastal Act policy to maintain public access to the coast by protecting and providing lower cost visitor serving facilities,
  2. Their concern that some proposed hotels either do not protect existing lower cost facilities or do not providing new lower cost facilities.

So, ActCoastal was a little caught off guard when the CCC approved a project that would greatly impact low-cost accommodations—right on the heels of conducting a public workshop to preserve such resources! Unfortunately, in January 2015, the Commission approved the “Ranch” project in Laguna Beach that would “upgrade” a once a low-cost 64-room modest, coastal hotel into a large “boutique hotel” containing 97 rooms.

Along our coastline, affordable accommodations are being replaced with large-scale resorts and mega-fancy hotels. While this trend is beneficial for a certain demographic, the majority of Californians cannot afford to stay in new, pricey hotels.

Coastal advocates need to hold the CCC’s feet to the fire. How can the Commission conduct public workshops on preserving low-cost accommodations and then turn around and approve a project that negates their good intentions?

Well, you have your chance to express your thoughts to the commission again regarding this important issue. On March 13, the Commission will conduct a second workshop on low-cost accommodations. If you live in southern California, please attend the hearing and testify about the importance of preserving low-cost facilities for ALL Californians.

Remind the Commission they have a mandate to; “encourage and, where feasible, provide lower cost visitor and recreational facilities.”

Hearing Details:

  • March 13, 2015.
  • The low-cost accommodations workshop is the last agenda item on Friday afternoon (we suggest arriving after lunch).
  • Location: Chula Vista Council Chamber 276 Fourth St. Chula Vista, CA 91910
  • Review the Staff Report once it becomes available here.