Feb 2016 Coastal Commission Hearing Follow up

Amanda Winchell
February 17, 2016
View Meeting Details

To everyone who wrote in, spoke up, spread the word and/or attended the Coastal Commission hearing in Morro Bay to support the Coastal Act, to demand a transparent and responsible Commission, to fight to protect California’s coast:

Thank you.

You brought your friends, families and neighbors, joining thousands of other Californians.

Sadly, seven of the 12 Commissioners refused to listen.

Now, with the disturbing and upsetting termination of Dr. Lester as Executive Director – a decision made behind closed doors – we charge ahead. The coast needs our support and stewardship more than ever.

What can we do?

  • Inform yourself! Speaker Toni G. Atkins and Assemblymembers Mark Stone and Marc Levine today introduced AB 2002, which would require any person who communicates with Coastal Commission members regarding an administrative action of the commission, and who qualifies as a lobbyist, to comply with provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974. See more on their websites: Website of Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins: [1], Website of Assemblymember Mark Stone: [www.asmdc.org/stone], Website of Assemblymember Marc Levine: [www.asmdc.org/levine]
  • Sign this petition created by the City Project and Azul, which states, in part: “We, the people of California, have lost faith in the California Coastal Commissioners that shamefully fired esteemed Executive Director Dr. Charles Lester… behind closed doors… Join us in ensuring that the spirit of social justice that inspired the Coastal Act's mission prevails to guarantee all Californians the right to enjoy our coast.”
Feb rally.png
  • Thank the five Commissioners who tried to stop this power grab:
  • Mary Shallenberger (mkshallenberger@gmail.com)
  • Steven Kinsey (SKinsey@marincounty.org)
  • Carole Groom (cgroom@smcgov.org)
  • Dayna Bochco (ccc@daynabochco.com)
  • Mary Luévano (mluevanocoastal@gmail.com)
  • Read, share stories from and write to your local papers to keep what’s happening at the Coastal Commission in the news. Check out this list of current media coverage and great articles. See here for a list of media coverage leading up to and just post the February hearing.
  • Visit actcoastal.org to keep current with how the Commissioners are voting and the most critical issues being voted on.
  • Join your local coastal advocacy group if you haven’t already!
  • Go to the beach! Take photos, share them. Every time you visit the coast, you’re exerting your right under the Coastal Act – a right that is under assault. Document your dedication: #SaveOurCoast.