Meeting Overview

San Diego, CA
January 2014

The January hearing covered several complex items that prompted in-depth dialogue amongst the Commission. On Wednesday, the Commission had an important, and lengthy, conversation about the disbursement of grants to local communities to establish and/or update Local Coastal Plans. Another debate centered around a Land Use Plan in Solana Beach, where local residents advocated that seawalls on public land should not be permitted to exist in perpetuity and must be incrementally reviewed to identify and mitigate impacts on beaches and public access. The Commission also approved an oyster aquaculture facility approximately 8.5 miles offshore of Long Beach. The controversial “Ridge” property issue in Huntington Beach that would convert open space to residential development was postponed, at the request of applicant.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Solana Beach Land Use Plan Amendment

In November 2013, the City of Solana Beach brought forward amendments to its Land Use Plan (LUP). The Commission denied certification at that time and continued the hearing. At the January hearing, the City returned with LUP amendments...

Local Coastal Program Grant Awards for Fiscal Year 2013-2014

In 2013, the Governor and Legislature provided the Commission with $1 million to distribute grants to local governments to support Local Coastal Program (LCP) planning. In August 2013 the Commission adopted funding criteria, stating...


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