In 2013, the Governor and Legislature provided the Commission with $1 million to distribute grants to local governments to support Local Coastal Program (LCP) planning. In August 2013 the Commission adopted funding criteria, stating that project proposals should: include plans to address sea level rise and other effects of climate change; address a demonstrated need; show a likelihood of success; and explain how grant projects could leverage or match funds from other sources.

Why You Should Care
LCPs are the backbone of the Coastal Act,providing local governments with the opportunity to engage in long-term planning to protect public access and natural resources while supporting balanced use of the coastal zone. LCPs are also required by the Coastal Act. The Commission can advance these important state policies by actively assisting, and supporting financially where appropriate, local governments that demonstrate interest in the LCP process.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
The CCC received 28 grant applications requesting a total of $5,292,007. Because the Commission only had $1 million to distribute, Staff determined that it could only fund 11 grant requests. The City of Los Angeles was a major focus of the deliberation. Some Commissioners were disappointed that L.A. only received $100,000. Other Commissioners mentioned that for nearly 40 years, L.A. has made little progress in developing an LCP for certification, while many other cities have been actively working on their LCPs—and thus should be rewarded for their efforts. Staff reminded the Commission that every grant application needed to meet funding criteria and that L.A. did not do so as well as some other jurisdictions. After extensive debate, the Commission voted 9-2 to approve Staff’s proposed grant allocations.
Organizations Opposed
Decision Type
Grant Award Administration
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommended funding 11 grants.