Meeting Overview

Newport Beach, CA
November 2013

This November was the most significant Commission meeting in 2013. A packed agenda with several controversial items drew hundreds of people. Developers had to pull their plan for a Huntington Beach desalination plant that would have killed large amounts of ocean life. The Del Mar Fairgrounds were granted continued use of a huge parking lot, illegally built in a wetland. The Army Corps got a green light for a major sand-dredging, beach-creation project with big impacts on ocean life and surfing resources. Sea level rise issues in Solana Beach- seawalls and a controversial Land Use Plan were continued. The Commission also had a spirited debate with itself and the public on the level of metrics and progress reports that staff should provide to track progress on the CCC Strategic Plan.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Strategic Plan Subcommittee Reports

Commission action on two reports from their Strategic Plan Subcommittee to define the level of reporting by the Executive Director on Strategic Plan implementation (metrics & milestones)...

Huntington Beach Poseidon Desalination Proposal

Poseidon Water proposed to build a 50 million gallon per day (MGD) seawater desalination plant to be co-located with the AES Power Plant in Huntington Beach. The plan would be equivalent in size to the largest desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere...

22nd District Agricultural Association (Del Mar Fairgrounds)

The Del Mar Fairgrounds applied for year-round parking lot on a wetland site where they admitted to previously illegally filling and grading...


Other Discussions