Strategic Plan Subcommittee Reports


November 1, 2013

Commission action on two reports from their Strategic Plan Subcommittee to define the level of reporting by the Executive Director on Strategic Plan implementation (metrics & milestones).

Why You Should Care

This decision defines the level of oversight and management that the Commission will conduct over the professional staff. This issue generated major interest among past Commissioners and community leaders. Testimony was submitted representing 25 NGOs, and ex-commissioners with four decades of experience. Click here for copies of testimony from NRDC, Twenty NGO groups and ex-Commissioners Mel Nutter and Pat Kruer. The public testimony supported the newly adopted Commission Strategic Plan and its focus on sea level rise and the need to update the Local Coastal Plans.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Unanimous vote to approve the dashboard system proposed by the Executive Director to report on Strategic Plan progress. The Commission reaffirmed their respect for staff independence and professionalism. They rejected an option to require an excessive level of time consuming monitoring and reporting that would have diverted staff from its core work.

Organizations Opposed

No opposition. Public testimony supported the Executive Director’s recommendation and urged the Commission to avoid creating unnecessary levels of reporting requirements.

Decision Type

Commission Management of Staff

Staff Recommendation

The Executive Director urged approval of his basic “dashboard” matrix to update the Commission on Strategic Plan progress. He pledged to expand (by next April) a separate dashboard for each of the seven Strategic Plan Goals. The Executive Director’s report also included two reports from the Commission’s two-person Subcommittee.

Coastal Act Policy