Morro Bay- Cayucos Coastal Trail


June 1, 2024

San Luis Obispo County Department of Parks and Recreation proposed to build a new 1.25 mile segment of the California Coastal Trail that connects Morro Bay with Cayucos. The segment will include five bridges, retaining walls, interpretive signs and sadly, a significant amount of shoreline armoring. This important trail segment should be a cause for celebration - and is certainly a significant achievement for the County that will benefit residents and visitors with a new coastal experience - however, we’re having a hard time seeing past the 700-foot-long seawall component of the project. The Commission approved the project as proposed in a 8-2 vote without pushing for a more thorough alternative analysis for the seawall that could include nature based alternatives.

Why You Should Care

Shoreline armoring destroys beaches and makes erosion worse. We should not sacrifice our coast, and the bountiful economic, recreation and habitat value it provides, for trails along it.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Commissioner Dayna Bochco sagely pointed out that, “we have in the past decided that even coastal access does not qualify for a hard seawall.” Indeed the Coastal Act prohibits shoreline armoring for new development and in this case, there appears to be viable alternatives that warrant further consideration such as rerouting a small portion of the trail or nature-based alternatives.

Organizations Opposed

Surfrider Foundation

Decision Type

Coastal Development Permit

Staff Recommendation


Coastal Act Policy