Meeting Overview

San Diego
June 2019

The Coastal Commission’s June hearing took place in San Diego at the Island Palms Hotel & Marina on Wednesday, June 12 through Friday, June 14. The agenda featured important coastal issues including public access, beach preservation and environmentally sensitive habitat areas.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Trafalgar Canyon San Clemente

Applicants of this coastal development permit proposed an 8,000 Sq. Ft. residential development that would be located in a protected coastal canyon. The lot contains environmentally sensitive habitat that would be damaged, which is not allowed under the Coastal Act and is therefore illegal, and the grading required would create an unstable bluff and thus be unsafe...

San Onofre State Beach Seawall

California State Parks proposed to retain an 800-foot long riprap revetment along Surf Beach at San Onofre State Beach. The seawall was originally constructed pursuant to an emergency permit issued in February 2017. The emergency revetment was installed as a temporary measure to protect the beachfront road...

Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay Public Access Violation

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Half Moon Bay opened in 2001 in a location that was historically used for public access to the coast. As a condition of the coastal development permit, the hotel was required to maintain public use and coastal access. Unfortunately, that condition was never met and public access was not provided for nearly two decades...


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