Meeting Overview

Half Moon Bay
November 2015

The November hearing took place in Half Moon Bay and focused on a proposed temporary Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application addressing erosion at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, a CDP application to allow for the world-renowned Maverick’s surf contest, and a CDP application for a housing development in Pismo Beach.

Initially coastal advocates had concerns about the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) request to use “soft structures” to help with erosion control at Ocean Beach – which currently has an admirable long-term plan in place for managed retreat of the road and highway that should sustainably address future erosion. Following public comment and feedback from Coastal Commission Staff, there was a approval of the needed short-term erosion control mechanisms and support of the continued work towards the longer term measure of planned retreat.

Over the years, Maverick’s surf contest has grown in popularity, drawing huge crowds to the small town and the delicate bluffs that overlook the surf break. Initially the CDP looked to substantially infringe upon public access to the beaches and bluffs and to hand over exclusive rights to a single private entity, Cartel Management. While the unfolding of the contest will be the true test of the proposed management structure, there appeared to be healthy dialogue between the representative for Cartel Management with local residents as to how this would impact issues such as traffic and public access to the event, which will be mostly in the form of viewing via broadcast, as the coast and bluffs surrounding the area require special protection from the crowds of people that have trampled the coastal habitat in the past.

A de novo hearing was held for The Silver Shoals development in Pismo Beach after the Commission ruled there were substantial issues with the project infringing upon public access through the loss of the viewshed due to the building height proposed. This viewshed is a rarity – a singular viewpoint along the Coast Highway south of San Francisco and north of Gaviota. Whether or not the building height was in line with local building regulations and the LCP – and thus the Coastal Act – was debated, with some Commissioners arguing that proposed height allowed for “some” viewshed to remain and others argued that it was their mandate to protect as much viewshed as possible and not just some.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Lido House Hotel

The site of the former Newport Beach City Hall is the location of the proposed Lido House Hotel. This project would turn the former government building into a 4 story, 130 room high-cost hotel with retail and parking space. General practice...

Silver Shoals Development

The Silver Shoals development item had previously appeared in front of the Commission as a project, but had been returned to Staff with substantial issue. This housing development will occur along the Coast Highway – a section of the highway...

SFPUC Ocean Beach Temporary Erosion Management

This CDP is to temporarily allow the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to use “soft structures” to help with erosion control at Ocean Beach over the next six years while preparing to implement the long-term managed retreat solution to the erosion threat...


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