Meeting Overview

Santa Barbara
May 2015

The May hearing was held in Santa Barbara. Several complicated issues dominated the agenda. A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application was brought forth to retain a rock revetment at Goleta Beach, near Santa Barbara. Opinions were divided amongst the local community and environmental advocates—with some wanting to keep the rock revetment, and others supporting its removal. In the end, the Commission voted to retain the rock revetment.

Sweetwater Mesa was another controversial project before the Commission at this hearing. The Commission previously denied this multi-dwelling project (and has been to court with the Applicant). Over the years, opponents have objected to the development because it would impact extremely sensitive habitat. Recently opponents raised concerns that the project will undermine the recently adopted Santa Monica Mountains LCP that specifically protects sensitive habitat and view sheds.

Finally, two other interesting items are highlighted in this vote chart—a dispute resolution regarding the Monterey Bay Shores Project and the federal consistency determination to allow in-water restoration work to begin at Drakes Estero Wilderness area in Point Reyes National Seashore.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Monterey Bay Shores Resort 2

The Commission held a lengthy hearing regarding the CDP application to build a ten-story, 368 unit luxury condo and hotel complex on 39 acres of coastal sand dunes in Sand City (Monterey County). The project was conditionally approved...

Drakes Estero Wilderness Federal Consistency Determination

The Point Reyes National Seashore (Seashore) submitted a consistency determination to the Commission to remove shellfish debris and infrastructure in Drakes Estero Wilderness area. The Seashore proposed to remove 95 pressure-treated wood...


Other Discussions