Meeting Overview

Chula Vista
August 2015

The City of Chula Vista was host to the August hearing. This was a particularly significant hearing as the Commission unanimously adopted the Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance document. This document, which went through two rounds of drafting and public comment in October 2013 and May 2015, offers the best available science on sea level rise (SLR) for California and recommendations for addressing SLR within the context of the Coastal Act. The document and related information can be found on the Coastal Commission website.

Another significant issue addressed is that of public access. This was seen through the specific issue of availability of affordable accommodations through the Port of San Diego's application for its project driven Port Master Plan Amendment that would allow for further high quality hotels to be developed along the San Diego Bay. Public access was also addressed through another application for a LCP Amendment that would allow for a new land use designation of bluffs in Malibu- changing from commercial visitor-serving use to mixed residential-recreational.

Also heard was an application for an after-the-fact CDP for a recycling facility that had been operating prior to having even applied for an application and while receiving letters of violation for unpermitted development.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

South Kellogg Recycling Facility

This CDP application was for an unpermitted concrete/asphalt recycling facility. As stated in the Commission Staff report, the facility began operating in 2010 but had not filed for a permit till December 2011. Commission Staff observed...

San Diego Unified Port District Port Master Plan Amendment

This application for the Port of San Diego’s Port Master Plan Amendment (PMPA) would revise the current plan which allows for one single, high quality hotel to allow for the development of up to three separate hotels with a combined total of 500 rooms...

Malibu Coast Estate / Crummer Trust Property

This application, by the City of Malibu, was a project-driven Local Coastal Plan amendment for a zoning change from visitor serving use to non-visitor serving for a parcel located at the terminus of Malibu Canyon Drive and next to Bluffs Park...


Other Discussions