Meeting Overview

Inverness, CA
May 2014

The May hearing contained several interesting items and important briefings by Coastal Commission Staff. The controversial Marin County LCP Update drew several local residents in attendance. Concerned citizens testified that the LCP update would allow for more residential and commercial development in the Coastal-Agriculture Zone district almost entirely without public hearings and with no public right of appeal to the Coastal Commission. The Commission voted to approve the LCP update. The Commission heard another controversial item regarding an appeal in Santa Barbara County. The property in question is a bluff-top estate with several pre-Coastal Act non-conforming structures including a cabana located in the middle of an eroding bluff. Fortunately, the Commission unanimously found Substantial Issue and will assume jurisdiction over the permit. The Department of Fish and Wildlife and Ocean Protection Council provided a briefing on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The briefing provided an overview of the MPA network and areas where state agencies are working together to protect these special places. Finally, the Executive Director provided a comprehensive briefing about the current strategic plan and covered areas of progress during the first year of implementation.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Marin LCP Update

The County of Marin proposed extensive changes to its existing Local Coastal Program (LCP)’s Land Use Plan (LUP). The process leading up to the Commission’s May hearing regarding the amendments was elaborate and lengthy—lasting nearly 5 years...

Carr Cabana Appeal

This was an appeal by Commissioners Zimmer and Bochco regarding the approval of a permit in the Hope Ranch area of Santa Barbara County. The property in question is a bluff-top estate with several pre-Coastal Act non-conforming structures...


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