Meeting Overview

Ventura, CA
July 2014

The July hearing contained a few items that were laden with controversy and debate. Coastal advocates were pleased the County of Los Angeles’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for the Santa Monica Mountains segment was officially adopted. This area of L.A. County had been one of the largest areas of the coast without a certified LCP. The implementation of a new LCP will protect watershed and coastal resources. There was a Cease and Desist Order that required property owners to stop blocking public access to the beach and Ontario Ridge Trail by removing unpermitted fences, gates, and signs. There was also an item to expand hotel construction at the San Diego Port, the Commission rightly pointed out the lack of availability of low-to-moderate income rooms; after much debate, the applicant withdrew the application (see a blog here). Finally there was a very controversial item relating to the Trump National Golf Course (be sure to read the write-up on the issue).

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Ontario Ridge Trail Cease and Desist Order

The Commission heard a Cease and Desist Order regarding illegal fencing, gates, and no trespassing signs blocking public access at Ontario Ridge Trail. This heavily visited hiking trail on the San Luis Obispo County coast, has been used...

Ocean Trails- The Trump Organization

The application included a request to amend the current permit to reconfigure 26 residential lots and two golf course lots resulting in reduced residential density. As part of the changes to the original permit, the Trump Organization also sought...


Other Discussions