Meeting Overview

San Diego, CA
August 2014

The August hearing was held in San Diego. The “Children’s Pool” issue was heard and the Commission voted to allow the City of San Diego to update the Land Use Plan to incorporate additional resource protections during the Harbor Seal pupping season. The Commission also grappled with a dispute resolution where an Applicant was appealing the Executive Director’s decision that the application is incomplete—because the proposed project is located on a public easement, the debate was very interesting. The most controversial item, the “Broad Beach” application, was postponed. The item is now scheduled for the October meeting where the Commission will consider homeowners requests to retain a large, unpermitted rock revetment and conduct a large-scale beach nourishment project that will impact public access and harm Marine Protected Areas.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

City of San Diego Local Coastal Program Amendment Regarding Children’s Pool

The City of San Diego sought to revise public access and marine resource protection policies in its Land Use Plan (LUP) to allow a seasonal closure at Children’s Pool Beach in La Jolla during the Harbor Seal pupping season (from December 15 to May 15 of every year)...

Bay City Partner’s Appeal of Executive Director Determination

This vote was not based on the merits of the proposed project, but whether the project application is complete. Commission Staff deemed the application incomplete and the Applicant appealed Staff’s decision. While the Commission was not...


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