Meeting Overview

San Francisco, CA
December 2013

The December meeting was relatively non-controversial. On Wednesday the Commission unanimously elected new leadership. Steve Kinsey moved up from Vice-Chair to the Chair and Jana Zimmer was elected as Vice-Chair, thus providing leadership from both Northern and Southern California. The Commission ensured that future review of a Pismo Beach seawall, permitted last January to protect a sewage pump station, will consider all Coastal Act policies, including impacts on public access, recreation, sand supply, and marine resources. On Thursday, the Commission meeting was centered around a new draft guidance document for adaptation to sea level rise.

Issues voted on at this meeting:

Pismo Beach Seawall – Army Corps of Engineers

In January 2013, the CCC approved a permit for construction of a seawall at St. Andrews sewage pumping station in Pismo Beach. That permit required the Corps or City to return to the Commission in five years with a managed retreat plan...


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