The Commission approved a Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the Venice Dell Community Housing Project. This project includes 120 deed-restricted affordable housing units, ground-floor retail, supportive services, and public parking. It represents a significant step toward addressing the housing crisis within the Coastal Zone, while adhering to Coastal Act requirements for public access and environmental protection. The Project was unanimously approved.
Why You Should Care
The Venice Dell Project demonstrates the Commission’s commitment to advancing affordable housing in the Coastal Zone. This decision ensures vital affordable housing opportunities while preserving public access and coastal resources. Despite legislative changes limiting its authority to require affordable housing, the Commission continues to certify LCPs and approve housing projects and ensure their alignment with the Coastal Act.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
The Commission unanimously approved the project. ActCoastal partner, California Coastal Protection Network’s Executive Director, Susan Jordan, enthusiastically supported the project at the hearing, stating, “To see 100% affordable housing this close to the beach, […] I feel great about that. That’s what I want to do and that’s what I want to fight for.” Watch her full comments here on the ActCoastal YouTube channel.
Commissioners supported the project as consistent with the Coastal Act. Chair Caryl Hart emphasized how important this project is for housing in the City of Los Angeles and the Venice community. Commissioner Paloma Aguirre encouraged the City to work towards updating their local coastal program for even more improved permit streamlining.
Organizations Opposed
Decision Type
Staff Recommendation