Titans of Mavericks Surf Contest


November 1, 2016

Request by Cartel Management Inc. to authorize an additional four years of the Titans of Mavericks surf contest subject to similar parameters as originally permitted. The original 2015 CDP authorized activities related to the one-day ‘Titans of Mavericks” surf contest (between November 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016) near Pillar Point Harbor, including exclusive use of the offshore surfing area, closing a portion of the West Trail and the Pillar Point Marsh parking lot, limiting use of Harbor shoreline areas, and implementing traffic and parking controls throughout Princeton-by-the-Sea in San Mateo County.

The CDP also allowed Titans of Mavericks to request an amendment to the CDP after the first year, for a four-year extension of the CDP if the applicant included a plan for the inclusion of women competitors in subsequent event years. The Commissioners’ deliberation during the November 5, 2015 hearing clearly demonstrates their desire to have the applicant include women competitors in the current contest year, 2016-17.

As originally submitted, the permit amendment proposed to include women as competitors starting in the 2017-2018 event calendar. At the final hour on October 19th, the applicant - facing denial of the amendment - submitted additional information that they will include at least one heat for women competitors in this year’s event as well as in future years’ events, without any further details.

Why You Should Care

The proposed event is a popular, water-oriented, recreational event that brings visitors and global interest to the community and California, and there is a great deal of public support for the contest. It should serve to increase awareness of the coast and coastal issues, and provide a means of publicizing the shoreline resources that California is famous for.

This also raises an important question of equality as virtually zero women have ever been invited to compete in the contest. The Coastal Act mandates that public resources are not to be used for exclusionary activities. This event is granted extraordinary levels of coastal access and recreation impacts, if only for one day. Those impacts must be mitigated to the maximum extent possible and including women is one important way to do so.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Given that the original permit amendment was wholly inadequate to meet the Commission’s intent to have more women involved during the 2016-17 season, as it merely promised to watch for and invite qualified women in the future for the contest to be held in 2017-18, the Commission and public remained skeptical of the applicant’s intentions.

Commissioners agreed that staff’s recommendation for a four year permit was not appropriate with the prior history of public exclusion at the event and the significant impacts to public access and public recreational use that the event poses. They agreed that a one year permit could be granted and - provided that the event is carried out as conditioned - a longer term permit may be considered in the future.

Organizations Opposed

Committee for Equitable Surf, Surfrider Foundation, California Coastal Protection Network

Decision Type

Coastal Development Permit Amendment

Staff Recommendation

Approval with conditions

Coastal Act Policy