“The Ranch” Laguna Beach


January 1, 2015

Located in the coastal foothills of Laguna Beach, this Project includes an expansion of a 64-room hotel, restaurant, and golf course to include an additional 33 hotel rooms; reconfiguration of restaurant; additions to existing structures (new spa, fitness center, employee lounge, and accessory structures;) new valet parking program; and establishment of outdoor event center.

Why You Should Care

There are four very concerning elements of this permit approval. First, the Commission’s failure to preserve lower-cost accommodations is concerning especially when considering the Commission recently held a workshop discussing how to “protect low-cost facilities.” Second, the Commission allowed an “after the fact” approval and an unpermitted “Outdoor Events Center” that included a 7,000 square foot concrete dance floor proximate to an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA) that was a former Girl Scout Camp intended for use as public low cost camping. Third, while the Commission rightfully required the applicant to pay $250,000 toward the “Trail to the Seal”, the Commission did not give specific target and timeframes to complete the long-awaited trail. Finally, the Commission overlooked future flooding of the area. Given the fact that climate change is increasing storm frequency and intensity, it is unsound to expand a property that has been flooded many times in the past.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

A long-history surrounds this project site. In 1935 the Dolph sisters granted the parcel to the Laguna Beach Girl Scouts who used the property as a camp and event space. The original intention of this land was to be used for low-cost recreation and accommodations. After extensive discussion the Commission voted unanimously to approve the permit. Several motions were made during the hearing. Some Commissioners (Bochco, Pestor, Zimmer, Kinsey) tried to improve the motions to require stronger protection of public access and low-cost accommodations. But in the end, the attempts to strengthen the project failed and the permit was approved.

Organizations Opposed

Sierra Club and Mark Fudge (appellant).

Decision Type


Staff Recommendation

Approval with Conditions.