
April 1, 2015

San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (SFRPD) submitted an application for infrastructure improvements at Sharp Park Golf Course including after-the-fact permit approval of pump replacements, sediment dredging and emergent vegetation from both Horse Stable Pond and Laguna Salada wetlands, installation of steps, a gate, a walkway and retaining wall in association with the pump house, and relocation of a golf cart path.

Why You Should Care

Sharp Park is undergoing a long-term, aggressive erosion pattern. Commissioner McClure summed up the precarious location of the golf course saying she was concerned with the berm, and thought SFRPD should be aware that they would be putting lots of money into a project that “may have a retreat scheduled coming right behind it, because it’s really close to the ocean right there.” Opponents of the CDP argued it is a waste of public funds to proceed with the project, given the inevitability of sea level rise and storm surge threats, which will eventually require the project’s removal. SFRPD is already violating the Coastal Act by installing an unpermitted rock revetment on the property. SFRPD argues the rock revetment is merely maintenance to an existing pre-Coastal Act berm on the property. However, adding a new massive stretch of giant rocks to the beach in front of the berm is not maintenance.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Community members have been working for nearly a decade to restore and protect the sensitive habitat and coastal resources located within Sharp Park. The area contains federally endangered species and is precariously located near to flooding wetlands and the rising ocean. Despite overwhelming evidence that the wetlands around the course will continue to flood and waves will continue creep onto the golf course links, the Commission unanimously approved the CDP.

Organizations Opposed

Surfrider Foundation.

Decision Type

CDP Application

Staff Recommendation

Approve with Conditions.

Coastal Act Policy