The City of Santa Monica submitted a CDP application to construct three-story City Services Building. The addition will extend across the east elevation of City Hall. The City Services Building addition will be a “Living Building Challenge” certified building (i.e. Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Waste, Net Zero Water, etc.), and Net Zero Water is proposed to be met through reduction of water use, water reuse, and water recycling. Reused and recycled water will be utilized to water the proposed landscaping. Moreover, stormwater runoff will be diverted to a bio-swale for onsite infiltration.The Surfrider Foundation supported the proposed development as it aligns with the principles embodied by Surfrider’s Ocean Friendly Gardens program which considers landscapes and streets as opportunities to solve water pollution issues. The building also marks an urban planning choice that protects water quality and could serve to bolster coastal preservation. Several local residents spoke in opposition of the project due to concerns over potential impacts to public access and parking. However, based on the current inventory, Commission staff determined that the Civic Center surface parking lot and parking structure would not have a significant impact.
Ultimately, the Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to approve the proposed development.
Why You Should Care
Urban planning choices impact local coastal water quality. The proposed building design aligns with the Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Gardens program, which considers landscapes and streets as opportunities to solve water pollution issues.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
Ultimately, the Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation to approve the proposed development. Commissioner Mary Luevano motioned to approve the permit and Commissioner Steve Padilla seconded. Commissioners agreed that the project was clearly in compliance with the Coastal Act. The motion passed unanimously.
Organizations Opposed
Several local residents
Decision Type
Staff Recommendation
Approval with Conditions