Application to construct a 8,200 sq. ft home with four-car garage, nine retaining walls, a pool, spa, private septic system/water main, vineyard, hardscaping, irrigation system and substantial grading.
Why You Should Care
The property sits on a ridgeline within the Santa Monica Mountains where the local Land Use Plan (LUP) designates this mountain ridge as a “significant ridgeline” relative to scenic coastal resources. Protecting “scenic resources” is a vital component of the LUP primarily because the area contains Environmentally Sensitive Habitat and is increasingly threatened by residential development. This vote not only undermines the protection of scenic resources, but also weakens hard fought improvements to the LUP.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
The Commission voted 9 to 2 to approve. The CCC denied a similar project in 2012. Project applicant asserted the new project footprint and height have been substantially decreased. After extensive debate, Commissioners Zimmer and Shallenberger expressed concerns that project approval would gravely undermine the LUP and voted “no.”
Organizations Opposed
Decision Type
Coastal Development Permit
Staff Recommendation