Rancho Palos Verdes Permit Only Parking


March 1, 2016

An issue of convenience for street residents or access for all, this appeal was filed because the locally approved development of permit only parking for Channelview Court was found to be inconsistent with both the Local Coastal Program and Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. A case where residents of the street worked with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to change the public street parking to resident permit only, such a move would have had significant impacts to public access to the local public resources. Fortunately between public comment given in support of maintaining public parking as well as Commissioners also seeing through to the heart of the issue – public access – resulted in a unanimous vote to deny the CDP.

Why You Should Care

This street provides access to public blufftop trails, the coast, and nearby visitor-serving accommodations, and should street parking be reserved for residents of the street only there would be significant adverse impacts on public access to these public resources. Public resources cannot be reserved for private convenience.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

As detailed in the Staff report, “…substantial issue exists because the City’s action is not consistent with the Chapter 3 public access policies of the Coastal Act, which state that one of the state’s primary goals in the coastal zone is to “[m]aximize public access to and along the coast and maximize public recreational opportunities in the coastal zone.”” Fortunately, this was recognized by Commissioners and the vote to deny this CDP was unanimous.

Organizations Opposed

Decision Type

Appeal – Substantial Issue

Staff Recommendation

Substantial Issue-Denial

Coastal Act Policy