The US Navy proposed a major development consisting of 24 separate projects and 1.5 million square feet of new facilities to be constructed over a ten-year period at its Silver Strand Base in San Diego County.
Why You Should Care
Environmentally Sensitive Habitat is that which is rare or especially valuable and can be easily disturbed or degraded by human activity and development. Under the Coastal Act, development is not allowed in ESHA unless it is “resource dependent.” The expansion of new Naval facilities is not “resource dependent” since the base has been successfully operating for decades without encroachment on ESHA land, and therefore should not have been permitted in ESHA. Further, the Navy refused to agree to a ‘no new seawall’ policy in the event that their projections were not sufficient to protect the facility from future sea level rise.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
A split Commission voted to grant consistency to the Navy’s project despite staff’s contention that part of the project would be constructed in Environmentally Sensitive Habitat and concerns that the site was vulnerable to sea level rise and flooding.
Organizations Opposed
Sierra Club. City of Coronado expressed concern with visual impacts.
Decision Type
Federal Consistency Determination
Staff Recommendation