Moss Landing Harbor Dredging Authorization


February 1, 2019

The Moss Landing Harbor District requested approval of a 10-year CDP to dredge and dispose of sediments to restore navigable depths in berths in the Moss Landing Harbor. The permit would authorize dredging and disposal of up to 550,000 cubic yards of material over the 10-year life of the permit, with no more than 80,000 cubic yards in any given year. Disposal of sediment material would occur either offshore or on Moss Landing beach, depending on the sediment grain size. Dredged materials would be required to be tested according to the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and analyzed to ensure the material is safe and suitable for aquatic disposal and/or beach replenishment.

The Surfrider Foundation commented with concerns about the legacy of contamination in Moss Landing Harbor sediment at the December hearing. The permit would allow dredging to commence almost a full six months since the sediment sampling took place. Surfrider asked Commissioners to increase sediment sampling requirements for dredge spoils at Moss Landing Harbor.

The Harbor has a legacy of contamination, primarily agricultural run-off and the project involves placement of dredged materials onto Moss Landing beach, where humans and marine life may be exposed. Surfrider asked for additional, abbreviated verification sampling to take place within one week of dredge operations. This request was not ultimately incorporated into the permit.

Why You Should Care

This winter has brought many winter storms and swells that surely have altered and stirred up the harbor sediment and may have uncovered legacy toxins in the harbor. Surfrider is a proponent of beneficial reuse of sediment, but would like to see it done in a thoughtful manner.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the staff recommendation.

Organizations Opposed

Surfrider Foundation

Decision Type


Staff Recommendation

Approval with Conditions

Coastal Act Policy