Montecito Well Appeal - Ornamental Landscaping


May 1, 2017

The proposed project consists of construction of a new private water well for supplemental irrigation of extensive, ornamental landscaping on a 1.71-acre residential property.

Santa Barbara County continues to experience drought conditions with extraordinary water supply shortfalls and the Montecito Water District has mandated strict water conservation measures. Surfrider Foundation strongly supported staff’s recommendation of denial for this project based on its failure to conform to water resource use provisions of Santa Barbara County’s certified LCP

Additionally, the LCP specifies that “to protect water resources from overuse and preserve water resources for priority land uses such as agriculture and coastal dependent land uses,” urban, residential development is to be served by water district services exclusively where available. The property currently receives municipal water service from the Montecito Water District; the proposed well is an attempt to circumvent State, County and water district mandated water rationing to provide supplemental water for ornamental residential landscaping. There was no dispute regarding the appealability of this project among Commissioners.

Commissioners unanimously denied the permit.

Why You Should Care

Santa Barbara County continues to experience drought conditions and water supply shortfalls. The proposed project met neither the LCP requirements nor reasonable conservation measures.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Commissioner Eric Howell moved to deny the development as proposed by the applicant. Commissioner Shallenberger agreed that staff determination is correct, adding that the area is in a state of drought and potable water must not be used for landscaping anymore.

Commissioner Mark Vargas agreed, noting that the applicant should change their landscaping to drought tolerant landscaping. Commissioners unanimously denied the permit.

Organizations Opposed

Decision Type


Staff Recommendation


Coastal Act Policy