Application in Humboldt County to increase safety at six intersections and to improve roadway in order to meet current design standards.
Why You Should Care
Humboldt County is known for its undeveloped coastline and ample recreational opportunities. Prior to the important amendments made by Commissioners, the original Caltrans proposal to ‘improve road intersections’ overlooked biking safety and failed to analyze how more signs, in addition to existing billboards, would be a blight to this sensitive coastal area.
Pro-Coast Vote
Anti-Coast Vote
The Commission voted 9 to1 to approve a conditional consistency determination that required the applicant to ensure a bike trail become part of project description; the removal of billboards along this road/wetland areas; and a requirement that Caltrans incorporate sea level rise adaptation strategies into the project. Commissioners Vargas and Zimmer pushed for the requirements noted above. Chair Shallenberger voted for the requirements, but against approval.
Organizations Opposed
Decision Type
Consistency Certification
Staff Recommendation
Denial of the federal consistency certification based on inconsistencies with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act.