Black Hill Villas


March 1, 2015

A proposal to subdivide two parcels into 17 residential parcels and one common area, and to construct 17 single-family residences with two-car garages, two of which would be built to City of Morro Bay standards for affordable units. The proposed project includes demolition of two existing residences and two small associated structures, removal of some 43 onsite trees, and construction of a new paved road and a public pedestrian trail.

Why You Should Care

As mentioned by Commissioner Shallenberger, these are exactly the types of projects that incrementally deteriorate coastal resources—impacting sensitive habitat and perpetuating more development along our coastline. Commissioner Howell made an important point about analyzing traffic saying, “This town is not Los Angeles and we need to make sure traffic is analyzed and mitigated.” Finally it is important to note that development of these 15 new homes negates the Commission’s attempts at increasing ‘affordable’ housing. While the project proponent will construct two affordable housing units, this is simply not enough considering home prices along the California’s coast and when contemplating the Commission’s attempt to encourage affordable housing.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

The Commission voted 7-3 to approve this project. Commissioners Groom, Howell and Shallenberger raised concerns about: traffic impacts, degradation of habitat for bird species, incremental loss of open space, and the need to build more lower cost housing. Commissioner Shallenberger had a poignant quote summarizing the impacts of new development. “While the project footprint will only consume a few acres, that is exactly how precious habitat is lost. It just takes 50 of these types of projects to eat up 100 acres of diminishing coastal habitat.”

Organizations Opposed


Decision Type

De Novo Hearing

Staff Recommendation

Approve with Conditions