Big Lagoon Park


September 1, 2015

This application was for a redesignation and rezoning of portions of a 13-acre parcel to allow for relocation of 14 cabins away from the parcel’s bluff. The modifications to the amendment include the point that there will be no resulting increase in development potential, and that the relocation shall not result in a later need for construction of shoreline protection devices having substantial impacts on the natural landform.

Why You Should Care

This case is a great example of an applicant and Coastal Commission Staff working as a team in a forward looking project. As Chair Kinsey put it, “This is a good example of a community thinking ahead.” Having an applicant acknowledge and embrace the area’s changing coastline and proactively prepare for it through planned retreat is commendable – particularly as “planned retreat” is often found on the battlefield of perceived “take”.


Pro-Coast Vote

Anti-Coast Vote

Commissioners followed staff recommendations of denying the application as submitted but approved with modifications as mentioned above. The sentiment of approval and appreciation for the collaborative and forward thinking nature of the project was expressed.

Organizations Opposed

Decision Type

Local Coastal Program Amendment

Staff Recommendation

Denial as submitted, but approved with modifications

Coastal Act Policy